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A Day of Reflection and Connection at Lux Blox

Posted by Mike Acerra on

Today at Lux Blox headquarters, we were graced with a visit that gently nudged us back to the very essence of our purpose. It wasn't a day about
showcasing achievements or making money; it was about a connection, understanding, and the profound impact of simplicity in creation.

Christopher MacDonald, alongside his brother and caregiver, Jordan, visited us. Christopher isn't just any visitor; he is one of the earliest adopters of Lux Blox. Despite being blind and deaf, with other challenges stemming from an early childhood ordeal, Christopher has found a form of expression and joy in the tactile experience Lux Blox offers.

His journey with our products began seven years ago when his late mother introduced him to Lux Blox, hoping to provide him with a tool for creative expression. Today, he explored the new range of Lux Blox pieces, beyond the original squares he was familiar with. His affinity for the trigons especially, our triangular pieces, and the way he engaged with them, was a sight that filled our office with a sense of awe. He immediately began creating spheres and other advanced geometric things with his very strong and nimble fingers.

His ability to build and create, guided solely by touch, speaks volumes about the universal language of innovation and imagination that Lux Blox aims to foster.

Seeing Christopher's experience resonates deeply with the roots of our inspiration. R. Buckminster Fuller, an American inventor who faced his own visual challenges, similarly found ways to express his creativity and ingenuity from a young age. As a kindergartner, Bucky created a tetrahedral octet truss out of dried peas and toothpicks to the amazement of his teachers. He would later go on to patent the creation in 1961 as the Octet Truss.  Fuller's journey, like Christopher's, reminds us of the innate potential within us all to create and innovate, irrespective of the hurdles we may face.

Watching Christopher's hands build and the joy it transmitted to his beaming grin, was a gut punch reminder for Heather and I of why we embarked on this journey.

In the words of Fuller, "When you go cosmic fishing, don't be surprised when the universe shows up at your doorstep." Today, the universe indeed showed up, in the form of an individual whose spirit and creativity remind us all at Lux Blox of the profound impact of what we create. It's a reminder that what we do goes beyond commerce; it's about touching lives, sparking creativity, and celebrating the human spirit in all its forms.
#LuxBlox #Creativity #Innovation #HumanSpirit #Inspiration

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